
Registered office of the AG

adesso business consulting AG
Robert-Henseling-Straße 11
31789 Hameln

Executive Board
Frank Beck
Jens Brakhage
Olaf Reiter
Stephan Thies

Chairman of the supervisory board:
Tobias Truhn

Register number: HRB 213652
Tax number: 22/200/77114
VAT ID No.: DE305482608

Note on the change of name

We would like to inform you that our company has been renamed as of 17 February 2025. The company previously known to you as ‘adesso orange AG’ now operates under the name ‘adesso business consulting AG’.

Please note: All existing contracts and business relationships remain unaffected by this change and our VAT identification number, commercial register number and other company data remain unchanged.

If you have any questions regarding the change of name, please do not hesitate to contact us.

All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form only with the written permission of adesso business consulting AG.

Concept, design and realisation
October Kommunikationsdesign GmbH
Willy-Brandt-Platz 5-7
44787 Bochum

Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

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